Mini Lantern Flashlight

500 $2.20 each
1000 $2.05 each
2000 $1.97 each
3000 $1.93 each
4000 $1.78 each
5000 $1.70 each
6000 $1.58 each
7000 $1.54 each
8000 $1.45 each
9000 $1.42 each
This is a LED MINI flashlight with white light and tail push, very portable, with battery. 100% Guarantee for quality. Rush service is available. These prices are all using ocean shipping services.

Product Size

Additional Information
The Imprint Size Is 1.8" X 0.4". Rush Service Is Available.



Jennifer Sanderow
Lewis Center, OH 43035
(614) 537-7433